Nikon D90 mintavideó

Csak, hogy ne hanyagoljuk a D90 videóit se, itt egy újabb mintavideó, kattintás ide érte, hajtás után pedig a készítő véleménye.

I’ve uploaded a sample of the video quality from the Nikon D90 via vimeo. You can watch the above, but better to click through to get a better sense. I’m clearly not a filmmaker, but with that in mind video quality is pretty good. There is at times some noticeable compression, and occasionally some grain and you’ll be quick to notice that the clarity and cleaness of the image files from the D90 isn’t present in the video files. In fact I checked a couple of times to see if maybe I had  VR on while shooting from a tripod, but finally settled on the fact that this is how D90 video looks.

Shooting video is pretty simple, in fact I wish the Canon 5D2 was more like this, put the camera in live view, and press OK. That’s it. Once implemented, the D90 You can record in up to 5 minute clips (for HD anyway), which for editing purposes is more than enough. The files are in the motion JPEG format, saved as an .avi file. Sound is, not that great, strictly a mono affair with the D90, and no way to attach a microphone either. On my iMac, editing was a painless experience, with iMovie doing just fine at putting the clips together.

All in all, it’s not near as good as the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, and with no manual exposure, not the ideal choice for movie makers, but the D90 is a much more affordable solution and provides very good video, while shooting excellent images. That’ll be more than enough for most photographers.
